World History
World History is a survey course that explores the key events and global historical developments since 1350 A.C.E. that have shaped and influenced the world we live in today. The scope of Modern World History provides the latitude to range widely across all aspects of human experience: economics, science, religion, philosophy, politics and law, military conflict, literature and the arts. The course will illuminate connections between our lives and those of our ancestors around the world. Students will uncover patterns of behavior, identify historical trends and themes, explore historical movements and concepts, and test theories. Students will refine their ability to read for comprehension and critical analysis; summarize, categorize, compare, and evaluate information; write clearly and convincingly; express facts and opinions orally; and use technology appropriately to research and present information. Generally, this class is taken by sophomores, but is open to other students.
AP U.S. Government and Politics
AP U.S. Government and Politics is a college-level year-long political science course that seeks to provide students with the political knowledge to understand and discuss American politics and society meaningfully. The course presents enduring understandings and ideas about American government and politics and teaches students a set of disciplined reasoning processes. By the end of the year, students will be able to analyze current and historical political events and develop factually accurate, well-reasoned, thoughtful arguments and opinions that acknowledge and grapple with alternative political perspectives. Success in this class and on the AP Exam requires being able to analyze political information, regardless of the format the information is presented, and develop a factually accurate, thoughtful, and well-reasoned opinion regarding this information. The civic engagement project in this course will culminate in students “creating an interest group” and a strategic plan that could be used to pursue a solution to a domestic policy problem of interest. In addition to standard homework, throughout the course of the year, students will keep a current events journal to encourage them to stay up-to-date on political current events and as a mechanism for practicing making connections between course content and real-world situations. This course utilizes a college-level U.S. government and politics textbook.
Presidential Politics
Presidential Politics uses several educational strategies to assist students to realize their greatest potential as lifelong learners. Metacognition is one main strategy: being aware that you are learning, and thinking about what you are thinking about and why it is important to be self-aware are daily objectives for the students. Collaborative learning is another strategy which is incorporated into the class. At least once per year, with directed guidance from the teacher, each student will be given the opportunity to help create a unit test for the class. Students will learn necessary study skills including studying for tests, taking notes from a textbook, vocabulary retention, taking notes from a class discussion and preparing a formal term paper style essay. Each student will be asked to do individual internet research resulting in a formal project. Presidential Politics will cover topics from the beginning of political thought in the U.S. through a discussion of the most recent election. We will spend most of our time on the historical context of presidential election years, although our modern political landscape will be covered as well.
Introduction to United States History
Introduction to United States History is a course designed as a junior high level History class. Students are expected to demonstrate comprehension of events throughout the history of the United States. The course fosters interest in American history through the study of cultural groups, their accomplishments, and their relationship to our lives in the present.
United States History
This course provides a survey of American history from the Colonial Period and the American Revolution to the present day, with an emphasis on the twentieth century. Using the textbook, provided documents and current events, students learn about the various political, social, religious, and economic developments that have shaped and continue to shape the United States. Students will begin to learn critical thinking in order to further understand important elements in History. The main questions this class will focus on are: What makes American history unique? and How does the world we live in today reflect our past
AP and Early College Experience Micro and Macro Economics
The Economics course is designed to help the student understand the U.S. economy and how it works. This is accomplished through explanation and application of economic principles in real life situations. With this approach, students are able to see how certain choices, actions and reactions affect them in their present and future roles as consumers, employers or employees, investors and citizens. Students will experience how they participate in the economy as individual decision makers, consumers and producers, and global citizens. Various methods and technologies will be used as they apply fundamental concepts to real life situations. Heavy reliance will be on using current economic data and statistics to formulate economic thinking and experience. Students will work collaboratively and independently as they cultivate their critical thinking skills and the work ethic needed to problem solve the many challenges presented in micro and macroeconomics. Through a rigorous and challenging curriculum, students will develop the skills necessary for the changing and uncertain future that awaits them. The skills needed for tomorrow’s leaders have not yet been developed. What will be needed for students in the future is the ability to adapt to the constantly changing technology and the ability to use all available resources to creatively find the solutions to future problems. The emphasis in this course will be on using all available resources both as an individual and as a group to acquire the skills and actions needed to find solutions and problem solve. Students will learn to be productive, cooperative, and resilient in their investigation of the complex world of Economics as it relates to the use and sharing of global resources and welfare.
AP United States History
In AP U.S. History, students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in nine historical periods from approximately 1491 to the present. Students develop and use the same skills and methods employed by historians: analyzing primary and secondary sources; developing historical arguments; making historical connections; and utilizing reasoning about comparison, causation, and continuity and change. The course also provides eight themes that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: American and national identity; work, exchange, and technology; geography and the environment; migration and settlement; politics and power; America in the world; American and regional culture; and social structures.