An Extra Year of Development
Our Post-Graduate Program is designed for students looking for extra preparation, personal development, and academic reinforcement before moving on from St. Thomas More. While enrolled, students will further improve their academic performance in order to be admitted into and successful in the college of their choice. The core postgraduate curriculum revolves around setting the student up for success in higher education.

Gain an Academic Advantage
Our Postgraduate Program curriculum is designed to reinforce students’ undergraduate learnings while elevating their understanding in a way that prepares them for university-level discussions.
Maximizing the postgraduate’s SAT score is a fundamental focus of the program. Improvements of 200+ points on the SAT are common. Postgraduate students benefit from additional instruction in English and Mathematics, and also learn how to master the SAT itself with careful preparation and test-taking strategies. Supplemental extra-curricular SAT-prep courses are also available to postgraduates.
College Counseling
Our approach to college counseling revolves around finding each student the university match where they will be challenged, personally enriched, and socially involved. Postgraduates receive immediate and continuous college counseling throughout the program. The College Placement Office meets weekly with students in an effort to help each student gain acceptance into the school they are most qualified for and interested in attending.
Residential life
Postgraduates are fully integrated into our residential program. They follow the same daily schedule as the rest of the school, attending extra help in the afternoons, followed by sports and activities in the evening and study hall at night. All are encouraged to get involved in school activities that can diversify and enrich their college applications. Many students also choose to participate in our athletics program during their postgraduate year.